KL-Genting w/ LEO

Sunday, July 26, 2009 5:44 PM Posted by thelifeof'S' 0 comments
Hohoo.. i'm having another holiday bfor i start my foundation. My frens cum to KL and asking me to join them to Genting. Of cos.... i will follow ^.^
In KL we stay in NIKKO Hotel for 1st night, and 2nd night in RADIUS. Haha..
It doesn't matter for me actually. I told you before, with them i'm normal.. haha.. i can put myself in all situation. ^.^ Proud of myself.. So happy i can meet all of them..

@ Food Junction, Mid Valley
@ Bukit Bintang
Here is the place we stay... NIKKO

The next day, bfor we go to Genting, we pass by a chocolate factory..

On the Cable Car

Last Day... @ Prime Bistro, Cambridge

Last day before I start my journey on KL . That’s my fren from LeCME. So old a?? haha.. yeapp, all of them are older than me, worked oredi, and i’m so happy to announced tat i’m the youngest. Haha.. but the gud things is u can learn a lot from them, sometimes they giv u advice (so noisy, so critical). Haizz.. nva mind la, I juz listen to them. Later they think no respect. Wkwk.. JoKe onLy. Dun take so serious..!

Aaa.. tat’s my phone in 3 row. Missed it.. I lost 2 of them. Now left the gold colour. Long.. long.. story, dun wan talk bout it. T_T

Hhmm.. the food so nice o.. yummy.. :)

Hueee... wat's tat??

oo.. i c.. a farewell gift. Haha.. so nice. Thx to all my sisters and brothers..